Name: |
Chloé Lorraine Chapman |
Birthdate: |
1/5/84 |
Place of birth: |
Rochester, NY |
Instruments: |
George Lynch ESP electric guitar in Tiger print, Acoustic guitar, Yamaha bass, Yamaha keyboard, Piano
Interests: |
Fire And Ice, watching cartoons, swimming, listening to & making music, and being with people that love me! Hockey Games, shopping, travelling, collecting cookbooks, finding things I love in mini sizes like little Dental Floss...
| Mini Bio: |
This fiery redhead is the heart and soul of the band. The chief axe-grinder and sultry-voiced Alto-Soprano 1, Chloé is determined to leave her mark on the music world. Full of laughter and argueably the sweetest member of FNI, friends claim that Chloé has watched too many cartoons and as a result is slowly becoming one. Chloé denies this through a fit of giggles, but Chlo does admit that she gets excited when she passes a store with a huge stuffed animal and always has to run and give it a hug. Full of talent, quirky and beautiful, Chlo already has music lovers bobbing their heads, girls copying her every move, and guys filling the audience with their "MARRY ME CHLOÉ" signs. Chloe, who is single, wishes those guys would write their numbers on those signs. If you'd like to hang out with Chlo or ask her out 555-CALL-CHLO. Moving on she is called 'Little One' by everyone, including her friends that are shorter than her, and also has the ability to make anyone and everyone baby talk to her. Chloé, who has the tendency to randomly burst into fits of laughter especially if Jacki says "potato", hasn't let the growing fame of the band or her many male admirors go to her head though, thanks to her "sisters" Jade & Jacki!
Name: |
Jaclyn Marie Venezia |
Birthdate: |
3/5/84 |
Place of birth: |
Mount Kisco, NY |
Instruments: |
DW 5 piece Collector's Series drum kit in Cheetah Print w/ Zildjian Cymbals, Lotus Acoustic Guitar, LP Shakers, Remo Tambourine, Piano |
Interests: |
Fire And Ice, music, singing, acting, video games, writing (songs, stories, poetry), playing instruments, art (drawing, painting, ceramics), acting, computer games, web design, comics, sports, weight training, exercise
Mini Bio: |
This bubbly brunette bombshell is a walking, talking paradox. She can get along with just about anyone given the chance, but unfortunately a lot of people cast her off at first glance thanks to stereotypes. They either think she's a ditz, a smartass or she intimidates them with her New Yorker attitude. Friends and fans who've come to know her over the years though will tell you that you can't judge Jacki by her looks. This girl is intuitive, intelligent and as kind as she is beautiful. Sure she may be attracted by shiny objects, say random things, have long deep talks with animals, not know her own strength, be stubborn, and love to prove you wrong if she knows she's right (if she says 'I'll bet you' never do it; you'll lose). So what if she may ask you who is the person in the mirror (it's her) and get excited over silly things like coasters, Twinkies, bottled water and DW drums - Jacki rocks the drums with a vengence and hits the high notes like they are nothing. Her cool attitude, big heart and even bigger smile always keeps the band upbeat, but what makes her the most special to the band and her "sisters" Jade & Chlo isn't the fact that she writes on average one song a day. No, what makes her special to everyone who knows her can only be summed up as so: She's special because she's their one & only Jacki. Accept no imitations!